Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Breakfast at Moffitt Cafe: Moffitt potatoes, 2 eggs over easy, wheat toast with butter, medium orange juice: $8.10. Comm team meeting with Joe G, went well. Comm team meeting at Palio. David gave me a ride to Laurel Heights. OSACA laptop setup, edited pharmchem research copy. Lunch from The View Cafe: veggie california sandwich on wheat: about $5. Sprint end meeting. Edited pharmchem research copy. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Dropped off the OSACA laptop, made a quick edit to an InDesign document for Shirin. Snack from Panda Express: two veggie spring rolls no sauce: $2.07. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Mayumi Kitchen's boiled salad with green goddess dressing, miso and tomato soup. Dessert: fortune cookie from earlier today: Happy events will take place shortly in your home.