Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Breakfast at home: granola with sliced banana and soy milk, 8 ounces of cappuccino beverage from a powder mix. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Needed to set up a site archiver again. Learned that you can run HTTrack on a Mac but there are a lot of installation steps involved. Searched for something simpler. Found and installed SiteSucker. Reviewed SiteSucker documentation, changed some settings. Began test run with SiteSucker. It didn't capture my Cufon fonts and I don't know why. I adjusted some settings and reran the download but it still didn't work. No time to troubleshoot this now. Drupal styling: videos on news pages. Comm team meeting. We talked about SCUR's new communications strategy document called Leading Revolutions in Health. Met with Susie to set up her hosts file and to set up browser bookmarks synchronization with xmarks. Lunch at JCC: spinach nut burger with fries and ketchup, orange-infused water. Followup with Alex Y about new laptop setup. Followup with student awards dinner AV request. Drupal styling: lab sites, copyright and layout adjustment for browsers in Windows. Chatted briefly on the phone with Susie. Drupal work with Eric: writing a module to remove HTML tags from title elements in images. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home by myself: leftover mung bean noodle soup with fresh vegetables: mushrooms, basil, baby spinach, parsley. Spent the evening writing an email in support of sonic.net Fusion Fiber.