Thursday, February 21, 2013
Breakfast at home: oatmeal with fresh, sliced banana; cinnamon; soy milk; 8 ounces of vegetable juice; hot water. Weight training: standing dumbbell curl. Rode my bike to work. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Followup with Erik W about comp reqs and JACS. C3 conference call. Met with Rodney and Joe about vidconf. Supp app meeting prep. ICRD work for Rodney. Lunch to go from Subway: foot-long veggie delight on 9-grain honey oat with provolone. Met with Eric and Greg about orgcharts. Followup with Walter S about pcweb and pcwebapps migration and IP addresses. Met with Shirin about table cover artwork. Announcement management. Calendar management. orgchart work: marked up css from html that Eric sent me. Rode my bike home. Dinner at home with Patrick: steamed veggie dumplings from Kingdom of Dumpling, hot water. Cocktails: bailey's chocolate-covered cherry from idrink. Dessert: leftover fortune cookies, dulce de leche Girl Scout cookies. Watched 43 minutes of The Cabin in the Woods on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Had trouble with the dvd playback. My fortune: Never let an opportunity pass you buy. Patrick's fortune: Be innovative. Take charge of new ideas.