Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stretches. Weight training: bam bam. Installed the TOSLINK cable from the iMac to the Logitech Z906. Refilled Straight Talk manually: $45.95 for another 30 days of service. Caught up on leaving Amazon seller feedback. Breakfast: oatmeal with diced pink lady apple and soy milk, a butter cookie with a raspberry center. Rode my bike to work. Encountered Remy A leaving as I entered at 2nd and Arguello, said hello, chatted briefly. Followup with Valerie and La'Trece about a recent computer order. Changed passwords for all my admin accounts on preview sites, notified Eric D. OSACA staff meeting. Notified staff of a new CMS called OrgSync that OSL is using. Followup with Susie about Desai Lab and Renslo Lab edits. Updated the lab sites status chart. Followup with Lucia about a request from student JK. Followup with Shirin about adding a new preview session date. Alerted supp app team to forthcoming core update. Dinner at Wo Hing General Store with Drew, Danny, Romeo, and Phil. Food was delicious, but nothing really stood out. Before they arrived, I sat at the bar and ordered a house hot chocolate of cocoa, cinnamon, orgeat, vanilla, cayenne, Casa Noble tequila reposado, combier marshmallows: $10. Not impressed. I could have made this drink at home. When we were shown to our table, I noticed that they gave us dish towels instead of cloth napkins. I think it was intentional. Walked to 16th and Mission, finding someone's driver license along the way and picked it up. Rode Muni to South Van Ness, walked to Muni underground. Rode L and walked home.