Thursday, January 3, 2013
Weight training: crunch. Breakfast at home: oatmeal with diced gala apple, cinnamon, hot water. Rode Muni to work. Set up Joel and Rick with a workaround for server problems with PharmAdMIT. Posted updated schedules for Lucia. C3 check-in conf call. UCSF overhaul conf call. Calendar management. Updated strategic plan milestones draft for Susie. Responded to a domain request from Sara G. Followup with YG about email archiving support request. Chatted with Lisa about slow network behavior. Lunch from Carmelina's: taco, water. Organized my bookshelf some. Created and organized bookmarks for preview-, dev., stage., and live sites in our web project. Lots of linkchecking. 1-on-1 conf call with Eric: overhaul. Chatted with Lisa about slow network behavior. Snack from the cafeteria: grilled cheese on wheat with lettuce and tomato, water, peanut butter cookie. Followup with Rick about PharmAdMIT speed. SOP IT wiki: began creating online presence documentation. Rode my bike home. Dinner at home with Patrick: spaghetti with garden marinara sauce. Finished watching Bottle Rocket (1996) on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Dessert: stroopwafels from Neil.