Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Weight training: Ukranian military leg lifts. Breakfast at home: organic oatmeal with diced, organic gala apple; organic cinnamon; organic, unsweetened soy milk. Lately I've been having half the portion of oatmeal than I usually have. The usual amount is one full cup of oats before cooking, so I am cutting back to a half cup instead, feeling like my meals are too large lately. Rode Muni to work. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. Followup on new student mail issues. Followup with Valerie S on push notifications for ActiveSync. Followup with Nancy Jane about the personnel website. Followup on new student mail issues. Calendar management. Listserv management. Submitted a ticket to ITS for Monica. Followup on new student mail issues. 1-on-1 conference call with Michael W. Followup on new student mail issues. Followup with C3 about AddThis. Supp app project work in Drupal: followup on reported problems. I think lunch today was from Subway: 6-inch veggie delight sandwich, cookie. ICRD work for Shirin: add Danielle. Lots of followup on new student mail issues. Kidney project website updates for Sara. Doctor appointment. Drinks at Cafe Flore "Best of the Bay" Beach Party! with David P and David C. Hawaiian theme. BeBe Sweetbriar and other performed. Free food: edamame, ham-and-pineapple skewers, pulled pork sliders, crostini, fortune cookies, more. All the food was good except the skewers—the pineapple wasn't fresh and the ham was thought by some to be from a can. My fortune: You tend to look at the practical side of things. Dinner and drinks at Easy Creole at Residence with Emery, Ray, Jeremy, Willkho, Patrick, David C, and David P. We had arrived just as the Romney-Obama debate ended. I encountered Jen C from work and said hello, met her (husband?). Patrick, David P, and I received the very last plates of food before they ran out. The menu claims that the dishes are spiced but not spicy, but the spinach and mushroom étouffé was too spicy for both Patrick and me. I was able to eat one of the specials: sweet vegetable gumbo. $10 for each plate. It wasn't true table service. I tipped perhaps a little more than I should have. Rode Muni home. Later on Facebook, Patrick said, "there wasn't much Creole about the food. Tasted like bland Cuban food. Doesn't get my Creole approval." Caught up on journaling.