Monday, March 26, 2012
Breakfast at home: organic oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon, California sage honey, organic soy milk. Rode my bike to work. Followup on a wireless issue with Sean S and Bill M. Calendar management. Unpacked and set up the new carrying case for the shared office laptop. Responded to a fraud inquiry from the credit card company. Followup with CPFM to ensure that I'm on the mailing list for Medical Sciences building announcements. IRC budget planning meeting with Rodney and Michael. Drafted an announcement for users of S-936 to alert them to the change in wireless access point connection. Calendar management. Followup with Garret V about a small sitemap/wireframes question. Lunch by myself at Perilla: veggie noodle soup with tofu, hot water, $10 after tip. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. Preview session edit for Shirin. Updated the /go/wireless page. Typeset the S-936 wireless announcement in InDesign for Joe C and sent him a PDF. Followup with Eric D about SSL. Spent all day also performing maintenance on the silver shared office laptop: lots of updates, updated the document that described how to connect it to an external display. Shopped for new monitors for Joel. Rode my bike home. Dinner at home with Patrick: true cod grilled with herbs de provence, steamed asparagus. I also had a side of mashed potatoes from a box. Hot water. Did a small bit of work on the spa website. Washed dishes. Cold almost all gone, still some congestion in the chest.