Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Yogurt; granola; fresh, sliced banana. Rode my bike to work. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. Staff meeting. Replied to student WD about a problem with email. Listserv management. Helped Shirin with Eventbrite and authorize.net setup. Updated numbers on /about/profile for Susie. DrupalCon Denver registration and travel arrangements. Helped Joel and Sammie with laptop setup in S-936. Snacks: pretzels, one tangelo. Late lunch to go from Subway: veggie delight footlong on honey oat with swiss. Chatted with Michael W on the phone. 1-on-1 with Shirin to review the proposed prospective students section. Updated the proposed collaborations landing page for Susie. Submitted a support request to Apple to replace a defective cable. Rode my bike home. Quick dinner at home: pizza from frozen. Amputagged a pair of new underwear; this one was particularly scratchy: Gosoftwear (aka Go Softwear), blue with red trim and white waistband. Created content inventory index cards in InDesign CS5. Created a Fontspring account, downloaded Museo Slab for free. Printed index cards. Worked on the spa website a bit. Weight training: wide-grip door pull-ups. Late meal: vegetable soup from a can.