Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Breakfast at home: 2 small, sliced granny smith apples; peppercorn bagel with cream cheese. Rode my bike to work. SCWG meeting. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. Phone meeting then later in-person meeting with Nadav, Karl, Robin, Lisa C, Eric. Supp app project work in Drupal: small edit for Joel. Small web edit for Susie: PhD. Lunch: salmon burrito with cheese from Carmelina's. Calendar management. Web edits: contact us pages, alumni (new Jeff R). Showed Lisa how to access her data from home using VPN. Followup with Jeannie L about Salesforce. Listserv management. Chatted on the phone with Chris C about a new system to track faculty honors and awards. Rode my bike home. Dinner at Noriega Teriyaki House with Patrick. Thanksgiving grocery shopping with Patrick at Safeway on Taraval.