Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vacation day. Home with a sore throat. Brunch: leftover beans and rice. Dinner at home: butternut squash soup, 2 bean and cheese burritos, coconut-watermelon juice, hot water. Watched Season 6 Episode 12 Blink of an Eye of Star Trek: Voyager on Netflix instant watch. Uninstalled Sophos Anti-virus on my iMac. Encountered an error while attempting to install SEP: "Installer[316] Installation check failure. Symantec Endpoint Protection can't be installed on this computer.. An error occurred while running the InstallationCheck tool for Symantec Endpoint Protection. Try running the tool again.." At first I tried repairing disk permissions but that did not fix the problem. The solution that worked for me was to delete the application called The Unarchiver which somehow doesn't unzip the archive properly, redownload the zip file, then double-click it to get the installer, then install. Late snack: small bowl of corn chips, one 3.0-oz bag of organic microwave popcorn.