Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Breakfast at home: same as yesterday. To work. 1-on-1 work meeting with Eric: security work, pushed the WCWG redesign live, facelift speed work, pushed the recent speed improvements live, signed up for the beta program with Followup with Rodney about our hardware purchase proposal for the IRC. Followup with Vick G about SEP. Lunch at Tikka Masala: vegetable biryani, naan, chai. Met with Shirin about orientation edits, then coded her change requests. Supp app work in Drupal. Thought I might need the Multistep module but might not after all. Built out most of the prerequisites section and inserted a bunch of test data. When building the view, I could not figure out how to group items by a particular field—this doesn't look like it's easy to do. I also could not figure out how to redirect to the view after new content for that item was created. Well, I found someone describing a way to do it but it did not look easy to implement. More followup with Vick G about SEP. Worked late til about 7. Dinner at home: refried bean burritos with organic monterey jack cheese, tofu, mushrooms. Inattentively watched half of The Corporation on Netflix DVD. I thought this documentary was way too long and told me things that were obvious. Late beverage: hot organic lemon water with organic raw cane sugar. Repaired a new tie. I had bought a plaid Nautica tie from the boys department at Macy's. When I found it it had a flaw that required a few stitches to fix. It was the last one, so the saleswoman said she could give me 10% off, so I ended up buying the 100% silk tie for less than $14—a great deal, I thought. Restored my Win 7 VM, then did more Windows updates to bring it current: Microsoft, Adobe Reader, Sun Java. Yesterday's scan in Sophos revealed some corrupt or encrypted files that might be problematic but none related to the VM as far as I can tell. Archived documents. Filed transit reimbursement.