Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Breakfast: oatmeal with fresh diced organic apple, organic cinnamon, organic nonfat milk; 16 ounces of generic V8. To work. Answered questions for students. Web edits for Cindy: orientation, white coat dates. Web updates for Susie: faculty listing. 1-on-1 with Cindy. Facelift project work: picked up where I left off with the sweep, reviewed Eric's implementation of the background image description. Lunch: fried rice, honey walnut shrimp, mixed vegetables from Panda Express. My fortune: If your work is not finished, blame it on the computer. Update from the dean: added an image. Updated the megadropdown code to include a faculty and staff search form. Facelift project: sweeping and stylesheets. To home. Dinner at home with Patrick: delivery from Ninki. Watched 66% of The Protector on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Patrick has been having awful allergy symptoms today. Weeded my Twitter followers. Edited photos. Printed 2 photos for Patrick to send to Dianne.