Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Home with a sore throat. Usual oatmeal breakfast. Asked AT&T to disconnect our land line. Checked in with Sonic support for suggestions on improving the ~3700 Kbps speed. They said: try removing the surge protector from the phone line path (and go directly from jack to dsl modem), try a different cable, remove possible interference (e.g., dimmer switches). He confirmed that we're less than a mile from the CO so we should be getting much better than ~3700. Troubleshot and resolved "Unable to move message to trash" error message with my iPhone. I'm using IMAP with my Bluehost-hosted email attached to my domain frankfarm.com. The solution I used: subscribe to the Trash mailbox from Thunderbird, then on the iPhone in advanced mail settings specify the Trash folder on the server instead of the Trash folder on the iPhone. Made more changes to the phone line and DSL install, got it up to ~4900 Kbps—woo! Afternoon meal: dos tamales. Dinner at home with Patrick: basil pesto pasta, hot water. Watched Firefly "Trash" on Netflix DVD with Patrick. DSL speed test: got 5048 Kbps down and 858 Kbps up—pretty sweet! Ran another test later and got 5208 Kbps down and 894 Kbps up.