Thursday, September 10, 2009
Usual oatmeal breakfast. iCal 3.0.8 consistently crashes for me when I select multiple recurring events and then attempt to delete them. To work. Shared my calendar with Lisa S. Responded to a computer requirements question. Websteering lunch with Leslie K, John K, Ed C, Tamer S, Eric D at NKRB. IT Services meeting. Posted grad fairs and infoday pages live for Shirin. WeID followup. Email alias followup with OAAIS. Added Don K to our DLS list. Updated the catalog page for JWG. UCSF Drupal group followup with Cynthia P and Beth B. Responded to another computer requirements question. When I got home, Patrick was taking a nap, so I made dinner on my own. Heirloom tomato salad, Annie's macaroni and cheese with tuna, raspberry iced tea. Restarted Airport Express. Installed lots of computer updates. Prepared a pastry bag made from parchment paper, prepared starshaped sandwich cookies filled with organic peppermint cream for tomorrow's office potluck. Stretches. Weight training: superslow lateral raise, superslow front raise. Stretches. Late snack: nonfat green apple pie yogurt.