Friday, August 7, 2009
Helped student JM with a question about the website. Forwarded a data request from Sue to the staff. Websteering lunch setup. Calendar management. Answered questions for Peter L and Lisa C about search engine optimization. Lunch: takeout from the cafeteria: pasta primavera, mixed vegetables, garlic bread. Forwarded a request from a student to Claire L. Helped a student with how to connect to UCSF Exchange with Palm Pre. Drupal work. Dinner at home with Patrick: breaded fish, steamed broccoli and zucchini, bread, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, hot water. Completed a new price list for Danny, sent it to Drew for review. Minor website edits for Danny. Prepared for tomorrow's trip. I'm going with Eric D to Drupal Camp L.A. in Irvine, and unfortunately we'll have a pretty full schedule Saturday and Sunday, and there is no time for me to visit with friends or relatives in the area. Backed up data.