Thursday, April 2, 2009
Usual oatmeal breakfast. Sent Outlook tip #8 to Shirin. Confirmed sticky pads installation for Eric D's new network box—it looks good, so he'll start moving today. Helped Shiring with a question about Microsoft Word. Minor web updates: graduation email, computer requirements. Snack: leftover sandwich from a meeting. Swept the BTS website for validation errors, cleaned a few up, left the home page for Eric D. Minor web edit for Carol: pharm sci resources. Lunch: junior cheddar burger from the cafeteria. Web edits: school of medicine electives. Listserv management. BTS website: coded lab links, sent to Susie for review. Helped student KY with a computer question about copying and pasting from a terminal-based application. Revised the map we'll hand out at graduation. Late afternoon meal: leftover sandwich from a meeting. Skipped dinner since I had a sandwich late at work. Researched hard drive enclosures.