Thursday, March 5, 2009
Usual oatmeal breakfast. Chatted with Patrick. To work. DAL teleconference. Chatted with James—he's having trouble with his home computer, so I've agreed to help him out with it this weekend. Supp app followup meeting with Cindy, David H, JWG, JCB, Scott. Backed up website data to portable hard drive. Reported a problem with Outlook prompting users for logins and passwords to OAAIS. Followup with Cesar on that problem—he asked users to restart Windows. Posted the homepage boxes for dean's update and ST's blog to the current students page. Followup on delivering photos of screen corruption to student JS for computer maintenance. Worked in Outlook 2007 but not in Entourage 2008. I guess Entourage 2008 has trouble sending 4 and 5 MB file attachments. Checked out the new Public Affairs calendar website. I love the clean URLs. The graphic design doesn't have PubAff's usual polish. Sent Outlook and Firefox tips to Shirin. BTS conference call with Maria F, Susie L, and Eric D. Lots of BTS edits. Worked on the communications page. 28 items in my inbox—whew, looking better. Lunch today was a leftover sandwich from yesterday followed by a late afternoon snack of a fruit bar. Before leaving work, Lucia reports that the password problem was still happening after Cesar had said it was fixed, so I told her that she should report it if she still sees it in the morning. Dinner at home with Patrick: tortellini with sausage in marinara sauce, hot water. Dessert: lowfat cherry yogurt, guaifenesin tablets, hot water. Watched Raising Arizona (1987) on Netflix DVD at home with Patrick: "A must-see for the cleverly crafted hickster dialogue, the perfect deliveries and performances, and the hilarious chase scenes and situations." Stretches. Weight training: crunch, leg lift, side-lying leg lift. Stretches.