Saturday, October 18, 2008
Stretches. Weight training: one-legged advanced plank (1:00 each leg), advanced plank (3:00), superslow dumbbell press. Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled, 2 sausage links, raspberry yogurt with fresh mint. Decided voting. Cut my hair, showered. Lunch at Daphne's Greek Cafe. Errands: Beverly's for Halloween costume materials, the party store next door, Trader Joe's for groceries. Home. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: baked chicken, steamed carrots, baked potato. Dessert: root beer ice cream bar for me, chocolate for Patrick. Watched Heroes Season 1 episode 21 on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Edited Folsom Street Fair and other photos. Stretches. Weight training: superslow one-arm dumbbell row, superslow shrug, superslow tricep kickback. Stretches. Late meal: chicken boob sandwich, mixed berry yogurt.