Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I forgot to mention yesterday that I got my flu shot for this year. UCSF gives flu shots for free to employees, and there was no line when I walked by the flu shot station on my way to the cafeteria, so I stopped—it took about 6 minutes. They did it with a needle this time, and I forgot to ask what happened to the needle-free method. Student Computing Working Group meeting. We learned from Terry McC and Peter L that ENS did not do independent testing following wap installation and that Chandler can keep the group focused in a positive manner beyond my expectations—how does he do it? Forwarded more info from student DU about yesterday's pubmed help request. Followup with student MK about Windows Security Center reporting that Sophos is out of date when Sophos appears to be current. Followup with Danica about my request to turn on notebook for all our listservs. I didn't realize that notebook was separate from web archives, so I asked her to also turn web archives on. Lunch at desk: leftovers from home. Went to the Millberry Union 50th anniversary party, got my memorial pin. Followup with Kenny M, our photographer for the forthcoming white coat ceremony. CPFM followup with Eleanor E. Missing photos followup with Cindy and Eric D—we'll gather those after Eric V has culled and renamed our existing photos. BTS website content edits for Susie. Worked with Nate on expand all and collapse all javascript for one of our pages—thanks, Nate! Web edits for Eric V and Cindy. Followup with student GL—problems setting up Outlook. Late afternoon meal: burrito from Carmelina's. Watched and read about the new MacBook and MacBook Pro. Followup with grad CG—how to set up email forwarding. Listserv management. More followup for student GL—notifications. Read about the new MacBook and MacBook Pro—cool! I'm not planning to buy a new laptop for home or work soon, but this looks like an obvious next step for Apple. Installed Apple software updates. Walked home just to see if I could do it, and I did it in 50 minutes—exactly the amount of time I had said it would take. I even stopped to take a few photos along the way. It's about 2 miles. I was inspired by one of my co-workers. Dinner at home with Patrick: cowloaf with sauce, leftover orzo with corn and broccoli, boiled peas. Worked on Danny's website: mailing list self-service forms. Installed Apple software updates. Still troubleshooting with Mozy. Latest install still crashes upon launch—not good. 2 weeks without Mozy now. Stretches. Weight training: superslow dumbbell press. Stretches.