Monday, October 6, 2008
Usual granola and yogurt breakfast. Door locks followup. Reported new info for the problems I've been experiencing in Entourage: "On my calendar (Frank Farm), I now see items on Sunday, October 5, but these were recurring items that were originally created to appear on Mondays only, so why do they now appear on Sunday? If you open the Sunday items choosing to open the series, you can see that the item is described as recurring on a Monday—weird! I now suspect that Entourage 2008 has bugs with handling recurring items simply because when Office 2008 for Mac was initially released Entourage 2008 would consistently crash when I created any recurring calendar item. As a workaround, I will attempt to remember to use Outlook 2007 instead for the creation and updating of all recurring calendar items, but this is a problematic workaround—I probably won't always remember to switch, and it's not clear how extensive the problem is. Please report this problem to Microsoft for further investigation if you have no immediate solution. I will leave the calendar items on Sun Oct 5 in place in case you need them." Tried finding photos of a particular student but could not; asked Eric D for info. Added clearfix to our stylesheet. Chatted with graduate CA. Entourage 2008 tells me I need to quit and restart to fix some problems. I did that, but the error keeps returning, so I restarted Entourage while holding the Option key and did a verify of the database. Chatted with fellow PC. Handled an image request from Steve B and Cathi D. Reactivated an accidentally closed email account for student MG. Followup with grad SC about closed email. Came up with ideas for a name for our forthcoming digital asset library. Created 2 additional Blogger templates, sent them to Susie and Eric D for review. Dinner at home with Patrick: grilled lemon pepper talapia, seasoned new potatoes, steamed spinach with boiled egg, bread, smart balance light. Watched episode 14 of season 1 of Heroes on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Worked on Danny's website: mailing list self-service forms. Investigated remote access and home VPN options.