Saturday, September 27, 2008
Began coding a new page for Danny's website that enables people to do self-service subscribes and unsubscribes on their mailing list. I wanted to try out a sliding panels feature similar to that seen on Panic's website for Coda, and I found a good version that uses jQuery. Took just a few hours to implement and perfect—works great! Had trouble setting up tectite's formmail script, got internal server error (500) after visiting the script's url with ?testalert=1 tacked on at the end. Also, in the error log, I found "File does not exist: /home/recharge/public_html/500.shtml" and "Premature end of script headers: /home/recharge/public_html/formmail.php" and 'SoftException in Application.cpp:238: File "/home/recharge/public_html/formmail.php" is writeable by group'. It took me a long time to figure out that this was a permissions problem. I had 755 on the formmail.php file—this needed to be 644 instead. Met Nate at A Different Light bookstore, got drinks at Men's Room while waiting for psychobauble to get his haircut at the place above the Thai restaurant at 19th and Castro. The Castro was crowded with people out celebrating Folsom Street Fair weekend. Dinner in the Castro with psychobauble, Nate, Patrick. We ate at that Thai restaurant at 19th and Castro. Worked on Danny's website. Late meal: leftovers, lemon yogurt. To bed very late.