Sunday, August 17, 2008

Slept in. Created a TokBox account, but upon logging in it said it could not connect to IM—try again later. I tried again later and it said the same thing. Not a favorable experience. Today I stopped following the Flickr group called Top 20 Seattle because I realized far too late that I had been misled. From the group's description: "These are the top 20 shots that embody the spirit of the great city of Seattle. Pretty open-ended, but that's kind of the idea." But nearly all the photos lately have been photos with the Space Needle or Pike Place Market in them. Come on, Seattle Flickrites—you can do better than that! The group should have been named Almost All Space Needle Photos. I learned today that there are actually a whole bunch of lawyers who specialize in cases involving Muni, e.g.,,, and With as many accidents as Muni has, I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. Photoshopped and flickrd. Flickr Uploadr repeatedly failed (Houston, we have a problem) while attempting to upload photos. Did some housecleaning. Dinner at home with Patrick, Dave, Ludwig, Danny, Drew, Phil: auvergne salad with ham, candied walnuts, aged cheddar; pommes anna; chicken fricassee with morels and fin sherry. Dessert: chocolate chip cookies, assorted sorbets. Cleanup. Stretches. Weight training: superslow tricep kickback, superslow lateral raise, shrug, crunch. Monday and Tuesday I'll be with Susie at An Event Apart in The Palace Hotel in downtown San Francisco.