Sunday, July 20, 2008
Woke around 6:30 AM. Got myself a tall glass of hot water. Started adjusting Flickr tags. Late last night I finished processing the 104 photos from the Bastille Day Party last weekend and let it upload overnight. But this morning I realized that I had some inconsistent tags—e.g., I know more than one person named Steven, so I had to figure out some tagging scheme to keep the tagging of the photos distinct. Discovered a blog from Feb 2008 that my friend Steve M in Seattle started. Only one post, though—what's up with that? Titled and tagged Flickr photos. Usual oatmeal breakfast. When I uploaded the 104 photos, I made the set private so that I could title and tag them before changing the photos to public and making them live. Patrick's brother Gery called just before 8 AM and asked for directions to the Golden Gate Bridge. He's in the Bay Area with his military buddies. Set up Danny, Phil, and Drew with a new mailbox account for the spa. Created a non-transparent GIF for Patrick who is creating a group on Facebook for Lodestar Quarterly so that people can say they are a fan of it. Lunch at home with Patrick: frozen pizza, small bowl of corn soup for me, orange cream soda for Patrick, cream soda for me. At 14:22 today, Twitter seems to be partially broken. Pages don't load completely, and I'm unable to submit a new tweet from the homepage—it spins and never finishes. Learned about twhirl and twurl. Planned to meet up with Nate and psychobauble, but instead napped for a few hours on the couch. Tagged photos in Geni. Dinner at home with Patrick: boneless skinless peppercorn chicken boobs, asparagus risotto, dinner roll, Smart Balance Light. Read about Brightkite, Loopt, Dodgeball, oneConnect, Fire Eagle, and YokWay!. Added Definr to Firefox as a quick search. Dessert: Nathan's rosemary pound cake, peppermint tea. Stretches. Weight training: advanced weighted superslow crunch, advanced one-legged plank, advanced side plank. Stretches. Late meal: chunky soup, hot nonfat milk.