Thursday, July 10, 2008
Stretches. Weight training: superslow tricep kickback, superslow front raise, modified preacher curl, superslow dumbbell press, advanced one-legged plank, advanced side plank. Stretches. Usual oatmeal breakfast. Checked on a security issue from a week ago—all is well. Helped graduate CJ with a question about post-graduation e-mail. Sent Julie, David, and Ed the websteering lunch rsvps. SCWG followup: MyAccess and VPN. Formmail problem followup. Ordered a rolling computer case for Chris. Administration web pages followup for Susie. Mary Anne asked Susie who asked me if the news3online was a threat or a joke. It seems harmless to me and clever as well, but I'm glad people feel wary about it. Formmail problem followup. Quick lunch from the cafeteria in the work room: roast turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, steamed zucchini, corn muffin, POG juice. Meeting: introduced the OSACA to the DLS team for the computer support transition—the meeting went well. Afterwards Cesar and Quinn and I met briefly to discuss mapped network drives. Formmail problem followup. Backup role meeting with Eric—we're starting regular meetings to train each other on the things we know that the other doesn't. Formmail problem followup. Reposted P1 and elective schedules for Lucia. Approved our first real photo for the Flickr slots on our home page. Asked OAAIS how to configure BlackBerry to UCSF Exchange for students—I didn't know how and there are no instructions. SCWG: edited the Identifying People in the GAL proposal for Doug. Reviewed supp app web pages and issues with Joel. Home. House chores: garbage management. Patrick was too busy cooking party foods to cook dinner for us tonight, so I ordered Chinese food delivery: wonton soup, mango chicken, combination wide noodles, steamed rice. Our fortune cookies were too stale to eat. My fortune: Your home is a pleasant place from which you will draw happiness. On my iMac running 10.5.4 at home, when I verify permissions in Disk Utility, I get several occurrences of "ACL found but not expected on..." and after I repair permissions, the problem remains. I don't know how to solve these error messages yet, but so far it doesn't appear to be causing problems. Helped Patrick make fudge and pralines. He bought a candy thermometer earlier today, so he was blinded by science when making the pralines this time. (The behavior is pleasingly more predictable when you have a thermometer.) Took a bath. Processed and uploaded photos.