Friday, July 4, 2008

Velcro maintenance. Repaired the sliding glass door to the bathtub. Usual oatmeal breakfast. Errands with Patrick, mostly picking up party supplies and sewing supplies. Ran into and briefly chatted with Patrick P at BevMo! Lunch at Burgermeister Daly City. Home. I napped. Dinner at Ali Baba's Cave with Patrick, psychobauble, and Nate. Recently returned from his first trip to Europe, Nate gave us two fridge magnets from the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. After dinner we got ice cream at Bombay. Cardamom rose for psychobauble, coconut for Nate, and almond fudge for Patrick. Danny and psychobauble each separately asked me if I could do alterations for them today. Candle maintenance. Late last night I found and installed Time Out 1.5.3 for OS X by—I've tried it for the past day and like it enough to keep it. It seems to work like Workrave but with a Mac aesthetic. Chatted briefly on the phone with Will W about having brunch on Sunday.