Monday, May 12, 2008

Woke up too early and couldn't get back to sleep. Usual oatmeal breakfast. 1-on-1 with Eric. ICRD refresher training, which was not very helpful since Doug and I were the only persons in the room who had only students to deal with in the system. Lunch at desk from the cafeteria: assorted fresh cut fruit with cottage cheese, hot carved turkey sandwich from the carving station, pog juice. Web team meeting with Susie and Eric at Laurel Heights. Got a tall nonfat chai tea latte at Starbucks. Dinner at home with Patrick: indian food delivery. Patrick picked his mom up from the airport; she has been in Boston the past week for a funeral. Finished reading Lirael borrowed from sneeper. Stretches. Weight training: side plank. Stretches. To bed early.