Saturday, April 19, 2008
Usual oatmeal breakfast with yogurt. Did some tailoring: Hand-mended some clothes for Patrick. Also did some machine sewing. This is the first time I used the sewing machine I bought last year. Made some edits to t-shirts, just getting a feel for the machine. The presser foot lever is in a different place than my mom's sewing machine, so I'm always reaching in the wrong place when needing to use it—it will just take some getting used to. The other weird thing is not using a pedal. The machine has one which you can optionally use, but I found it's easier to just use the buttons to control everything. You can't choose to use the buttons or the pedal on the fly—if the pedal is plugged in the buttons don't work. I might go back to the pedal later—we'll see. House chores. Lunch: leftovers. Installed Cyberduck 2.8.5 (3611). Web edits for Tina and Phil. Cut my hair, showered. Weight training: superslow leg lift, superslow one-arm dumbbell row. Dinner at home with Patrick: oven-roasted herbed chicken boobs, leftover pasta, boiled peas. Watched Without You I'm Nothing (1990) on Netflix DVD. Neither of us had seen it before. Computer maintenance: I figured out the answer to the problem of the iMac firmware not updating properly: run the iMac firmware updater in the Utilities folder, then after shutdown be certain to hold the power button in beyond the Mac chime—don't let go until you hear a continuous, loud, annoying tone. I don't know why Apple made firmware updates so complicated to install—they could have at least replaced the annoying tone with a pleasant voice that said, "Okay, you can let go now." Ran basic disk utility checks just to be safe. Stopped using the Web Receipts folder and set up an alias so that I can save receipts to a different folder. Tried to resolve my long-standing problem of receiving the error "You do not have sufficient access privileges" when attempting to rename certain files or folders in OS 10.5.2. Much grief with OS X permissions, posts by petrock, "failed to set ACL on file", "operation not permitted", and "chmod: no acl present". Posted the question to Apple Support Discussions. Weight training: superslow dumbbell fly, superslow crunch, sissy squat.