Thursday, January 24, 2008

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Listserv maintenance. Met with student DH about Lexi-Comp, which wouldn't install to a Tungsten E2. This laptop was also responding very slowly. I asked the student to let me work on it during the day. The student also reported occasional BSODs, and one occurred while I was running a full virus scan. Worked on Snuffy. More listserv maintenance. Tshooting permissions problems with Eric. Reported rsync slowness to Julie. Student DH's laptop: hardware diagnostics revealed some drive problems which chkdsk seemed to repair successfully. Did other maintenance with it. Strategic plan launch review. More listserv maintenance. Snuffy and Big Bird cleanup edits for Susie. Pulled photos off the camera for Lucia. Student DH returned and we troubleshot the Lexi-Comp install. No SD card on the Tungsten E2. I eventually found and unchecked a checkbox called something like "use external card" and I think that fixed it. Lexi-Comp is not very easy to install, even with Lexi-CONNECT. We guess that having an SD card helps, but we're not certain—the Lexi-Comp system requirements don't say anything about an SD card, it doesn't warn if there's not enough memory on the device to store what you plan to install. Informed Chris about the library's forthcoming June migration to GoPrint. Helped Joel with his personal (home) laptop.