Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Watched liveblogging from the Macworld keynote—macrumorslive.com was the best because it used AJAX to refresh the data. Linkchecking followup with Eric. Account access followup with students for student organization. Macworld arrangements. Photo request from Shannon. Photo request from Bob D. Chatted with Chris about a proposed health events web page. Lunch: panda express. My fortune: You have the makings of a leader. Reviewed web changes to delegate some of the work to Eric, gave the project a code name: Big Bird. Checked in with Kathleen about a question for our temporary digital librarian position. Big Bird followup. Completed laptop maintenance for student QT. Made web snippets available to Eric so that we can be consistent about using abbr tags. Diversity profiles work. ICRD work with Terry and Doug. Checked in with Rodney about Lexi-Comp. More ICRD work. To install OLPPS at UCSF, find the installation instructions on the OAAIS website. You need to install stunnel first, followed by OLPPS, then remember to use the magic IP address when connecting. Dinner at Underground Sushi Time with Patrick. We both enjoyed our dining experience here. Visited Scandy at their home on Noe Street, dropped a gift to thank sneeper for helping with my iMac purchase. I love my new iMac! We talked a few minutes about maneki neko (the beckoning cat), Roomba, computers, science fiction novels, fantasy novels, writing, work hours, commutes. Sneeper mentioned how Marooned in Realtime really creeped him. Sneeper forced me to borrow some books: Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen, The Peace War, A Game of Thrones, and A Clash of Kings. I now have 8 books in the reading queue. Home. Made final arrangements for tomorrow with Chris by phone. Chatted phone with Danny—we're having dinner at their place tomorrow. Chatted online with sneeper and Tony Q.