Monday, March 5, 2007

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Graduation edits for Joel. Job description work. Web services brainstorming. Lunch: mac and cheese, mixed vegetables from the cafeteria. Helped Carol print to PDF. Attempted to find Joel's lost stickies—unsuccessful. He tried to give me a guilt trip about it, but I really am responsible for more things to do than I am capable, and his guilt trip doesn't help anything. Followed up on network port activation request. Made live graduation pages for Joel. Job description work. Removed plastic stub from Chris's Dell Latitude D800—it was broken on the inside and therefore incorrectly gave status about whether the laptop lid was open or closed. Reinstalled Palm Desktop 4.1.4E for Chris, reconfigured synching to Palm Treo 650. Installed Apple Windows updates for Chris. Home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Korean beef, corn off the cob, steamed rice. Watched episode 17 of Heroes from the web. Installed Apple Windows updates for home. Home backups. Installed iTerm for OS X.