Monday, December 4, 2006
Usual oatmeal breakfast. Bought EMT or paramedic scissors at the UCSF bookstore ($11). Yesterday I bought heavy leather garden gloves ($16) at Cliff's. Only thing left to get to open plastic clamshell blister packs is a set of arm-length leather cuffs to protect the arms. (I already have the plastic eye protection goggles.) I've given up hope that blister packs will go away. Won't happen in my lifetime. SFS video. Group interviews for pathway coordinator position. Purchasing research for Chris: usb drives, backup solutions for him, notebook stands. Flickr work (NIPSA). Workstation setup for Alyssa. Lunch: Panda Express. My fortune: Success and wealth are in your future. Bus didn't show up this evening for my ride home, so it took an hour. Grrr! Thought about filing a complaint with MUNI then thought again and didn't. Dinner at home with Patrick: angel hair with red sauce and 2 animals. Chatted with Lani on the phone. Shopped online for gifts.