Monday, October 30, 2006
Figured out from a recent Slashdot article how to make the Firefox 2 tabs close button revert to 1.5 behavior: open about:config, then change browser.tabs.closeButtons from 0 to 3. All better now. Discovered two interesting things about Fx 2's keyboard shortcuts. When you use accesskey to provide keyboard shortcuts, previously in 1.5 you'd press Alt+(accesskey) and now in 2.0 it's Alt+Shift+(accesskey). They did this to avoid conflicts with menu and other keyboard shortcuts. However, it appears that now in Firefox 2.0 the numeric accesskey keyboard shortcuts no longer work at all—it's bug id 357101. So now I can navigate my bookmarks page again, but it requires a little more digital acrobatics than before. Installed Apple Boot Camp Beta—it works great! I realized after a while I don't think I can install Parallels and expect the office to use it without a fair amount of training. Even Boot Camp is difficult because the Apple keyboard doesn't match the Windows keyboard exactly—Parallels adds another layer of training, and I still haven't gotten over how it crashed and burned last time. I've set our MacBook to boot into Windows (Boot Camp) by default for now. Lunch: chicken marsala with brown rice and grilled vegetables. IE7 testing with media players. Dinner at home with Patrick: ginger and sage chicken boobs, salad, bread and butter. Worked on Corinna's website. Backups work.