Thursday, October 19, 2006

Morning run: 15 minutes. Breakfast: usual oatmeal, yogurt. Listserv problems followup. Created a computer account for the temp for Ena's position. Scheduled time to meet with 2 students about different issues. Jobs listserv update for Joel. Met with Lucia and Cindy. During our meeting we heard a baby squeal, and when we finished we emerged to find Kristina and Myles in the office for a visit with everyone and a lunch with Ena. Takeout lunch from the cafeteria: roast turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, dinner roll, butter, orange juice ($7.97). Called back student ND who had trouble with an account. More listserv followup. Chatted with Helene. More student computer or account problems followup. Installed the free version of SQLyog, couldn't get it working. Uninstalled free SQLyog. Installed SQLyog Enterprise Trial, couldn't get it working. Uninstalled SQLyog Enterprise Trial. Installed the free version of SQLyog, couldn't get it working. Uninstalled free SQLyog. Installed SQLyog Enterprise Trial, got it working with a different account. Very frustrating, and the help pages were no help and sometimes written in poor English. Home. Chatted with the neighbors about garbage collection, across-the-street drama, tile mosaics, and housemates. Washed out one of the compost collection bins because it had something leftover in it and was really stinky. Dinner at home by myself: leftover noodles. Baked two large loaves of quick bread: one pumpkin bread, one pumpkin bread with candied ginger sprinkled on top. Printed AJ a template sheet of Lodestar business cards. He wants to print his own since we can't do it for him because we are without a color printer for now. E-mail and bookmark maintenance. Added a variety of discoverable RSS feeds related to me to every page of my Flickr photos feed, my Amazon wish list feed, my delicious bookmarks feed, my journal feed. Also added Patrick's Amazon wish list feed. Late meal: leftover noodles.