Monday, July 17, 2006

Made the new supplement application live, made updates to the admissions web pages, prepared the SAMPLE ONLY copies we'll insert on November 2, and put a reminder on my calendar and James's calendar to check that on that day. Dell ImageBuilding testing—restoring the original build resulted in no problems. I created more test builds in IB and will test them after they complete the build process overnight. Patrick called me at work around 11:45 AM with some really awful news—the death of a close friend. He has taken the day off of work to console the partner of the deceased, and I'll learn more details as they come. Disposed of old batteries for recycling at the bookstore. Disposed of old CD-ROMs for recycling/destruction at Millberry Union. Errands at Cole Hardware—bought some new squeegees for the bathroom shower and a big bag of Twizzlers Strawberry for $1! Lunch with Joel at Burgermeister. He has a new wallet that needs breaking in. More language work for Medicare Part D web pages: I successfully used Andrew West's BabelPad 1.9.3 to convert two pages of Russian and Chinese to HTML entities for insertion into web pages. I had also found Anthony d'Auria's converter. That also worked, but it only converted a single line of text, and BabelPad is much easier for multiple paragraphs of text. Reworked some physical locks to computers and monitors. Home. Put clear gloss on the touch-up paint job I put on the car a few weeks ago. Uploaded photos. Dinner at home by myself: canned soup. I started editing Lodestar bios, poetry, and prose. Weight training: hammer curl, shoulder shrug, front raise, concentration curl.