Thursday, April 20, 2006

Breakfast: oatmeal, a banana, orange juice. Telecommute day. Created a draft of a proposal for a different interface for SAA's e-mail address screen in the student portal. Reviewed the quote we got on our student laptop configuration from Dell. Poster work for Susie. Copy edits for Susie. Deprecated use of Yahoo! maps on our website in favor of Google Maps. Tested Sakai at It's not bad. Some problems with accessibility, such as navigation disappearing when the font size is enlarged or the browser window is made smaller. Alt text could say "Sakai" instead of "logo." Things like that. Iframes and nested (!) iframes are cringeworthy, but it otherwise seems serviceable. Dinner at home with Patrick: frozen pizza. Erected shelves in the second bedroom. Watched part of Napoleon Dynamite which Sam thought I would like, and Patrick liked it but I didn't like it. Watched part of disc 2 of the Barbra Streisand TV specials.