Thursday, January 5, 2006
Breakfast: yogurt, banana. Submitted a ticket to ITS regarding the following problem with Outlook 2003 for Windows. I'm attempting to let others see my work day hours. My calendar has been shared with appropriate permissions to these other people, and they can see my calendar events as expected. However, a problem exists with the display of my work day hours versus their work day hours. As an example, under Tools > Options > Calendar Options, in the first section (Calendar work week), I have set start time and end time set to 9:00 AM and 5:30 PM. When others view my calendar in Day or Work Week view, the differently shaded hours correspond to their work day hours (e.g., 8 to 5) instead of my work day hours (9 to 5:30). I'm expecting their calendar to show the appropriate lighter shading for their work day hours and my calendar to show the appropriate lighter shading for my work day hours. Similarly, all shared calendars I can view show my work day hours (9 to 5:30) instead of each person's work day hours. This is problematic because not everyone works the same work day hours and it's sometimes very difficult to schedule meetings correctly when you cannot see others' work day hours correctly. It surprises me that this groupware solution is unable to let us see this information as we expect. Is there a way to make this work as I expect? If not, please forward my feature request to your Microsoft contact. Thanks!.—Coded new news stories for Susie. Prepared old computer equipment for surplus. Helped Chris reinstall his computer's mouse drivers. Worked on the Center for Consumer Self Care site for Jeff and Bill. Helped Lucia with the fax machine. Chatted with Susie about the news stories, helped her with setting up a customized Google News page so she can check for references to UCSF School of Pharmacy. Uninstalled MSN Messenger from Cindy's computer. Small meals throughout the day: leftover cow stew (twice), raisins (twice), fruit cup (once).