Friday, December 30, 2005
Slept in. Breakfast: banana, yogurt, hot water. House chores. Lunch: cold turkey and cheddar sandwich. Called Amazon, got my gift wrapping refund. Archived documents (mostly Christmas cards). Met Patrick, Kerry, and Mom Ryan at Safevay on Market, gave them and their groceries a ride to Mom Ryan's. Chatted briefly with Todd in the parking lot—I wasn't sure it was him at first. He invited me and Patrick to a New Year's Eve party tomorrow and his and Wataru's place on Twin Peaks. Patrick and I ran errands in the Castro. I worked on a sitemap for Corinna's website. Dinner at home with Patrick: homemade beef stew. We watched Kung Fu Hustle on DVD. I think this is my third time seeing the film and it's still a lot of fun to watch.