Friday, June 10, 2005
Prepped supp app testing web pages, intro text, game plan; sent it to James for review. Updated my access to one of our computer labs with Brian. Lunch: Joel and I got food from the cafeteria. I got a cheddar cheeseburger and fries. Joel got a sandwich. More supp app prep. Updated our VPN config pages for Zone Alarm Pro. Reviewed a quote for computer purchases for Rodney and Chris. Chatted with Sneeper online about why David Caudle's "Feet of Clay" is one of my favorite pieces in Lodestar. Dinner at home with Patrick: Patrick's yellow curry chicken, naan, saffron rice. Dessert for me: one fun-sized Chick-o-Stix. Patrick and I watched the Amsterdam and side trips episode of Rick Steves.