Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Pumpkin granola and sliced banana for breakfast. Telecommute day. Gave Cindy some suggestions on how to resolve Error 10053 in Eudora: "Error reading from network. Cause: Connection aborted due to timeout or other failure." Prepared the list of new e-mail addresses for third-year students. People in the office reported problems getting to their My Documents folder. I drove in to work and resolved the problem with Kraig's help: it's not good to have an old NT4 server named the same name as your new Windows 2003 server. I renamed the new server to a different name and almost instantly everything is better. Complained again to facilities that my office was too warm. Adjusted a listserv for Cindy. Helped Daisy understand how to resolve the Word problem from yesterday. Link checking. Cleaned up some deprecated CSS code. Remotely verified that tonight's backup ran. Dinner at home with Patrick: salad, leftover pork loin, tempura shrimp. Worked on Read from Kit Con.