Tuesday, January 4, 2005

I dreamt last night I was alone in a large house at night. The interior was clean and tidy with white walls. I approached one wing of the house where there was a sort of catwalk or walkway with a trellis above. To the left was a large, lush lawn. To the right, the same thing, only smaller. Far off to the right I saw a city skyline—all lights. I couldn't determine a specific city—I was too far away. The night air was cold, so I went back into the house, and I realized the room had a lot of fruit flies all over. It was disgusting! So I ran deeper into the house. My mom was there and for some reason a trickle of water was going through the room. It had ruined the parts of the wooden floor it had touched, so large squares of the floor were missing where tiles had been removed from water damage. My mom was taking care of the problem.—Breakfast: oatmeal, sliced fresh banana, cinnamon, brown sugar. Upgraded to Trillian 3.0 at work today. First impressions: very nicely done. Windows updates and security maintenance on the shared office laptop. Grad filing web changes for Cindy, sent them to her for review. Student Deanna S brought some delicious baklava and Greek (cookies?) for the office. I dragged Joel to the introduction to retirement benefits presentation given by Amy Dumont from Fidelity Investments, whom we both agreed was an excellent presenter. She was very knowledgeable, spoke confidently, easily handled problematic attendees who came in at the last minute and asked a lot of questions, checked in with us to make sure we understood everything, gave us time to ask questions, and best of all, she presented herself so immaculately that you could only think, "Now, she's sharp!" Lunch: cafeteria with Joel (we talked about my mom). Melissa stopped by to chat. After lunch I researched migration options from Meeting Maker to Outlook. (They don't look very good.) Posted a new P1 schedule for Debrah. Scanned Oprah photos for Joel. No 6:30 PM bus today. Dinner at home with Patrick: pizza, salad. The pizza dough was from Trader Joe's—$2 or $3, I think Patrick said. It was tasty. After dinner I rewired some audio cables which didn't get configured properly. Tested microphone recording with Patrick. He wants to record interviews with his mom, but I'm not certain this is a very good solution because we have really cheap microphones. Tried to figure out why our new web server responds so slowly. I'm not certain, but it seems to be an external net problem—maybe a router—and not our server.