Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Breakfast: 2 oranges and a banana. Met Melissa for lunch at Yum Yum Fish. We had plenty of good sushi, and it only came out to about $30 which Melissa insisted on paying. Helped Melissa recover data from her hard drive. Somehow when an automatic update installed it clobbered the boot process—the computer was unable to start into Windows no matter what I tried (last known good, safe mode, safe mode with networking, press R to restore in windows setup). She spent $6 on the 2.5-inch-to-3.5-inch hard disk drive adapter I instructed her to get at Central Computer, and using that we were able to mount the drive successfully onto a working computer then copy her data files over. After that, I set up Windows XP anew *not* using her Dell copy of Win XP. The whole process took about 7 hours, much of that time was waiting for ScanDisk to run a complete check of the drive—no problems. We went to the cafeteria for a snack. I got half fries and half onion rings. Melissa got onion rings. Finished with her computer (for now). Went home. Instead of eating dinner, Patrick and I instead had late snacks of tempura shrimp with dipping sauce and turkey hot dogs. I archived more Christmas and holiday cards and other documents. Tidied the apartment. It's been very rainy today. Resolved some problems with Iomega Rev unable to back up files because it thinks the filenames are too long.