Friday, March 12, 2004

Oatmeal for breakfast. Telecommute day. Linkchecking. Set up a script to automatically archive our live website then give me a 5 day window to download the 29 MB archive file to my work computer then automatically delete the archive file. Read up on rewrites so I can redirect all requests of to Found the answer from Sun818 on WebmasterWorld in a post on Dec 27, 2002. Will try late at night when traffic is low. Also prepared inserting htaccess code to forbid common exploits—this will hopefully clean up the error logs too. Made Licensure and Examinations live for Cindy. Ran linkcheck on the live site, verified that bookmarks to the old Board Exams and Licensure section redirect properly. Fixed links to UCSF Today which gave 404 errors to the linkchecker even though the page would load. Tried again to figure out how to connect to server shares with VPN - was unsuccessful, but I have some things to try. Dinner at home with Patrick: roast chicken, corn on the cob, bread. Watched a DVD. Patrick went to bed, and around midnight I put in the redirects on the live site. They seem to work just fine. Hooray!