Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Breakfast: brown sugar, cinnamon, bananas oatmeal. Updated a listserv list for Amy Y and Jannie Y. PartitionMagic problems with Debrah's computer. Put up a regalia order form for Joel. Linkchecking. Got some data from the graduate students database for Cindy. Lunch with Joel and Ena at Tasty Curry. It was our first time there. We had chicken tikka masala, rice with chicken, potatoes and peas, naan, and pon. The food was good, but the clientele made me feel as though I needed to shower. Coded the February 2004 Update from the Dean, Susie approved it, I made it live. Tested, tested, tested my waiting list reply form. More work with Debrah's computer—done now. Removed bad RealPlayer reg keys from Ena's computer. Tried taking more photos of the IRC but students in there didn't want to be on film so I'll go back another time. Set up a new shortcut redirect for James to use in an outgoing letter to applicants. Provided instructions to Cindy and front office staff on how to rotate their new flat panel monitors. Sent Debrah a notice about Office being upgraded from 2000 to XP on her computer. Reviewed and replied to Kirk H's proposed computer requirements for 2004. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftover beef with broccoli over rice. Changed a light switch in the bathroom which had gone funky. Balanced the checkbooks. Got a nice thank you card from Dianne for the tip table cards I made her.