Thursday, February 19, 2004
Reinstalled ATI MMC—kept getting error message "Unable to start TV" when it began recording a show. Upgraded ZoneAlarm. Bagel with cream cheese and cherry scone for breakfast. Met with Cindy for a regular update of things. More changes to the licensure and examinations pages (formerly known as the board exam and licensure pages) for Cindy. Helped Debrah with a red dot problem in InDesign 2.0. A red dot in the lower right corner of a table cell indicates overflow text, though it was impossible for me to find that fact in the InDesign manual. I ended up searching Google mostly unsuccessfully before searching the Adobe InDesign for Windows support forum on "red dot." It would be better for that red dot to display some explanatory text when one hovers the cursor over it. Helped Earl set up the Ergotron computer arms in the student lounge. After he finished, I set up the computer and all its cabling and wire loom cable covers. It works, and it looks great! Installing the Ergotron arms was not very easy to figure out because they came with instructions in multiple languages and with universally incomprehensible installation illustrations. One part came with 8 screws—4 of one size, and 4 of another slightly smaller size. We had lots of illustrations showing screws and screwholes, but nothing told us which size screws went with which holes. We had to guess many things or just try them out. Another example: the arms have a gauge indicator on the left side which is labelled A through J or something like that but since they provided illustrations which were unlabelled, I had no idea what the gauge was for. After many minutes of headscratching, my intuition told me it was a gauge of tension in the arm. The illustration showed a tool inserted a certain way next to the close-up image of the gauge, so when I did like the picture I figured out what the gauge was for (and my intuition was correct). I guess it would have been too inelegant for them to put the words "too tight or too loose?" or "tension control" next to their picture. Helped Chris C delete a virus-infected file that McAfee VirusScan somehow wouldn't let him delete. Dinner at home with Patrick: turkey meatballs and spaghetti, bread. The turkey meatballs were from Trader Joe's, and they tasted awful! Patrick said, "See! I told you! That Trader Joe! It's hit or miss with him!" And his Bella Vita Low Carb Roasted Garlic spaghetti sauce was too salty. Don't buy it! If they would cut back on the salt, it would be just fine. We like the cherry scones from him, though. A shower for me. Watched Simpsons episodes. Sam gave us 2 black leather wallet clip things from his mom Dianne—a nice small gift.