Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Office too cold, reported the problem to Ena. Helped Kristina find her mail folders pane in Eudora. Talked to one of the facilities guys who checked the temperature in my office and promised to bring a filter for the air vent in my office to prevent the soot and dead flies from landing on my desk. Lunch with Melissa in my office while we watched movie trailers on quicktime.com. I had Panda Express, she brought food from home. My fortune: You bring out the best in others. More Acrobat form questions answered for Chris. Link checking. Went to a meeting with Joel and James to learn more about a forthcoming union vote. Joel and I snickered about "no shame in his game" and Joel pointed out that $30 x 12,000 employees x 12 months = $4.3 million per year. This union, UPTE, I don't trust because I had previously tried to find out where all their money goes, and it was a very difficult process. They eventually gave me a sheet of paper listing some figures, but they didn't seem very open or forthcoming about it, and I suspect they just made it all up. Neither Joel nor James seemed very enthused about the idea of a union. Troubleshot audio problems for Chris's vidconf setup. Helped Melissa with mail merge and formatting problems. Edited Bill Soller's medical article on emergency contraceptive pills. It's all done, though now I think I've edited it too much—will check with Susie and see what she thinks. At home, I did the paperwork for my free ATI Remote Wonder II Upgrade. Dinner at home with Patrick: mac and cheese, broccoli, and the juiciest roasted chicken breasts I've ever tasted in my entire life. After dinner we scanned the new stars he drew for forthcoming home pages of Lodestar Quarterly. Adjusted color, created comps. They look nice.