Tuesday, August 5, 2003
Link checking. Checked on James's Windows XP upgrade—no problems. Gathered power requirements for all our office equipment for our contractor Steve. Lunch at desk: leftovers from last night. Yogurt snack from the hospital cafe. Leftnav work—propogated styles to the other stylesheets. It's almost all done—just need to get partners pages to use the right background color. Melissa brought in another round of flowers for everyone. This time I got 5 very large orange ones. I'm sneaking 2 of them back home tonight so Patrick can enjoy them, too. Chatted with Mike Webb about a broken link on the saawww site and authentication needs for our student directory project. Dinner at home with Patrick: salad and pasta, potato rosemary bread with olive oil. Discovered SmartyPants from a link off of stopdesign.com—maybe I can use it instead of writing my own code like I thought I needed.