Tuesday, April 1, 2003

Spent most of the day researching USB keychain drives. Decided to purchase five 64 MB Sony Micro Vault devices for the office. Lunch with Joel at You See Sushi: we both had lunch special A: California roll (6 pieces) and one each of: ebi, unagi, tuna, and Dinner at San Tung by myself: steamed vegetarian potstickers, chicken chow mein. My fortune is one that Joel would covet: An aura of glamour and mystery surrourds your events for the week. Patrick had gone to the Lambda reading at the Eureka Valley branch library. Patrick met with his language partners today. Tried out our new Samsung SM-348B CD burner. It's rated at 48X-24X-48X-16X but the first burn I tried—a music CD with a 70-minute WAV file—poked along at only 7X. Spent over an hour trying to figure out why—DMA is set, the CD-R is indeed rated at 48X. I didn't try copying to the hard drive before burning, but that doesn't make sense since the file is already on the hard drive (and I'm not doing a disc to disc copy).