Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Interview reply form changes again—they're almost done, but I still need to work like mad on global stylesheets before it all can go live. Worked through lunch at my desk eating leftovers from Eric's Restaurant. Took a hard drive out of an old Dell Optiplex GX Pro so we could surplus the rest of the computer. Installed Adobe InDesign 2.0 for Michael so he could make maps of the interview rooms based on Joel's great PageMaker template. Met Michael's partner Darren who stopped in to pick Michael up after work. Reinstalled the Lexmark Optra Color 45 driver for everyone because it wasn't working properly for a few. Removing and reinstalling fixed the problem—I don't know what's up with dat. Got some stylesheet code fixed up for Netscape 6.x in preparation for resolving the validation problems I discovered last week.