Friday, April 5, 2002
I met with Jeff, as he wanted advice on how to negotiate a common banner or header for the entire university as well as for specific examples that he was dealing with now (School of Medicine and UCSF Medical Center and UCSF Children's Hospital). We discussed a lot of the different issues—usability, screen real estate, organizational associations—and I gave him a bunch of Photoshop mockups to review. The office was quiet today, as James, Joel, and Cindy were gone to Fresno for an outreach presentation. Chris is still in Europe. And it's Debrah's regular day off. The afternoon was spent with critical updates. Dinner at home with Patrick: brown sugar and cinnamon carrots, potatoes, garlic-baked chicken. Napped. Went to Domenica's party while Patrick went to the Pilsner Inn. (He needed to avoid the cats.) It's Domenica's birthday, but she's also celebrating her leaving San Francisco at the end of April. The party was fun—a typical party except for the live DJ's from Alice radio and Live 105 mixing vinyl in Domenica and Corey's living room. I met Greg, Mike, Robin, June Bug, and a bunch of other people whose names I can't remember. I stayed about 2 hours. My favorite moment was this: a woman praised Domenica on her blouse—a skin-tight, long-sleeved knit with psychedelic prints and some flashy metallic cutouts on the back. She asked Domenica, "Where did you find that?" and Domenica said proudly, "Ebay!" Everyone laughed and laughed at that. We gave Domenica a bunch of cash as a birthday and going away present. Our card said, "Happy Birthday and Good Riddance to San Francisco!" While preparing to go to Domenica's, I was rinsing my contact lenses and the bottle got stuck for a second and suddenly it gave way and a dead ant squirted into my hand onto my contact lens.