Friday, November 23, 2001
Woken by Sam who visited to look after Amy and David's cat George. Brunch at Cove Cafe. Errands in the Castro: bought a curtain rod, curtains, a task light for over the kitchen sink. Patrick and I have coffee at Jumpin Java where three men at the table next to us spilled a drink and broke a glass because they were entertaining a boy of about 3 years by repeatedly racing a toy car across their small table. The glass flew across the gap between the tables and shattered on the edge of our table. Broken glass, coffee, and chocolate syrup went flying everywhere, including on me and Patrick. They were apologetic, but I said nothing and turned my back on them. Patrick smiled to them and said it was okay, but after they left he realized that the coffee would likely stain his clothes and that he wished he had demanded new outfits from them.